Single Arm Casement Window Operator ‘Entrygard’ 9.5 » Arm (Truth Hardware 15.941.002) RIGHT HAND

Single Arm Casement Window Operator ‘Entrygard’ 9.5 » Arm (Truth Hardware 15.941.002) RIGHT HAND

SKU: 15-94-00-212

Original price was: $95.50.Current price is: $72.50.

The 15 Series EntryGard Operators have a high-pressure die-cast zinc base that is E-Gard coated. The gears and drive worm are made of hardened steel. The #15.94 Single Arm Operators are designed for windows 18″ to 22″ wide up to 60″ high with a maximum sash weight of 40 lbs. if used with the proper 14 Series Casment Hinges. Truth Entrygard Operator 40575 Or 40574 part number 40754 can also be found Common numbers found on the older version of this operator are 40575 for the right hand operator, and 40574 for the left hand operator RIGHT HAND SHOWN Order stud bracket, cover and handle separately if needed (see related products below). Use an entrygard cover. Any handle style will fit.

Original price was: $95.50.Current price is: $72.50.

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      Left Hand EntryGard Stud Bracket (Truth Hardware 104.02.92)
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    • stud-bracket-truth-hardware-10402-10403-right
      Right Hand EntryGard Stud Bracket (Truth Hardware 104.03.92)
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      Right Hand EntryGard Stud Bracket (Truth Hardware 105.22)
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    • stud-bracket-truth-hardware-10521-10522-right
      Left Hand EntryGardStud Bracket (Truth Hardware 105.21)
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  • DESCRIPTION: New to Truth’s family of EntryGard® Operators is our Single Arm Model. This product combines all the functional advantages of Truth’s Standard Single Arm Operator with the aesthetic features of our popular EntryGard model. Recommended for use on narrow windows, or for roundtop and trapezoid windows that use a Butt Hinge.

    VERSATILE: The roto gear casement operator arm can be easily disconnected from the sash to aid in cleaning and installation. When properly mounted, this operator will provide a full 90° of window opening. For smooth operation, a nylon roller located on the end of the arm, glides easily along the track.

    STYLISH & ECONOMIC: To tie this product in with the EntryGard family, Truth has designed this Single Arm Operator to accept the standard operator cover. The cover, available in a variety of colors, has a flange which acts as an escutcheon. This will result in lower costs in the making of the sill covers since the cut around the operator can be less exacting.

    PRODUCT APPLICATION ASSISTANCE: If you are designing a new window profile, or are having difficulty selecting hardware for your window, please contact Truth. Our highly trained Product Specialists can assist you with the selection of the appropriate hardware to meet your performance requirements, as well as providing personalized application drawings.

    LOGO OPTIONS: Have you considered personalizing your window? The EntryGard Single Arm Operator provides a unique area in which to feature your company’s name and/or logo. All of Truth’s operator handles are capable of accepting your own “signature”. Contact Truth for further details.

    WARRANTY: Protected under the terms of the Truth Warranty for Window and Door Manufacturers and Authorized Distributors. Refer to Truth’s Terms and Conditions for further details.

    MATERIAL: High-pressure die-cast zinc base, crank handle, and knob. Hardened steel worm and gear. Highstrength plastic cover.

    FINISH: Electrostatically applied, durable coatings that provide excellent resistance to chipping, scratching and corrosion while maintaining color stability for years in direct sunlight. Please refer to Truth’s Color Chart for examples of Truth’s most popular finish options. Truth also offers a wide range of decorative “plated” finishes – contact Truth for additional information on availability of these finishes on specific product lines.

    CORROSION PROTECTION:Truth’s E-Gard® Hardware has a multi-stage coating process that produces a superior physical and aesthetic finish. Plus, it is resistant to a wider range of corrosive materials, including industrial cleaning materials and environmental pollutants. This proprietary process has been tested to be approximately three times better than common zinc plated finishes.

    For the severe conditions associated with coastal areas, Truth has developed certain product lines utilizing either CoastGard® Hardware, or stainless steel hardware. See Tech Note #7 for further information about corrosion protection and these special hardware options


    1. Choose operator style desired: #15.94 – Single Arm Operator.
    2. Specify right- or left-hand (determined by the side the hinge is on when viewed from the outside).
    3. Specify operator track number. #30706.XX Track – 3-hole.
    4. Order mounting hardware (sold separately). #11454 – Contour Handle (painted) or #10579 – Roto Gear Operator Handle – shown above (painted). Optional handle and cover style, such as Truth’s Folding Handle, are also available. #10341 – Operator cover (specify finish number). #21306 – Protective red plastic spline cap (optional).

    RECOMMENDED SCREWS: Types of screws required determined by material of profile used. Refer to drawings for complete information on screw type and quantity needed (sold separately). For additional information regarding screw selection – see Truth Tips and Tech Note #11.


    • Operator handing is determined by the hinge side when viewed from the outside.
    • When used in high rise applications of over two stories, Truth recommends using a Truth Limit Device.
    • A Spline Cap (#21306) is available to protect the operator splines from dirt and other windows from damage during shipping, installation, and final building construction.
    • Truth recommends that a Truth Snubber be used at the center of the hinge side on any casement window which has a tendency to bow outward at the center in the closed position. Adding a Snubber may increase the negative air pressure rating of a casement window.
    • Sash weight should be limited to 40 lbs. to insure ease of operation for the lifetime of the window. When used on a sash weighing over 40 lbs., operating torque will noticeably increase and operator life will be reduced.
    • For accurate hardware placement in vinyl or metal applications, pre-drilling of the window profile is recommended.
    • For vinyl window applications, mounting screws should pass through two PVC walls, or one PVC wall and one insert wall. For this reason, it may be necessary to use a longer screw than is recommended.
    • For metal window profiles, Truth recommends machine screws. However, in most applications, sheet metal screws will provide adequate holding power.
    • When selecting mounting screws for Truth hardware, coating compatibility is one of the most important criteria. For best corrosion resistance the coating on the screws should be the same as the coating on the hardware. For more information see Tech Note #11.
    • This operator may be mounted closer to the lock side of the window to effectively limit opening and improve corner pull-in performance.

    INCLUDE TRUTH SPECS ON YOUR NEXT PROJECT Window operators shall be provided which allow easy adjustment of window position. The mechanism should be crank operated and provide smooth operation of egress or butt hinges. Connection to the movable sash must be easily detachable for window cleaning and maintenance. Removable EntryGard® interior cover will allow matching hardware styling as well as easier finishing of frame and sill.

    Window operators will be of single push arm design driven by a hand crank. The operator must be constructed of E-Gard® components, hardened steel worm and gearing and high pressure zinc alloy die castings. High-strength plastic trim cover.

    Window Operators shall be 15 series EntryGard® Single Arm Operator as manufactured by Truth Hardware, Owatonna, MN.

  • The easiest way to determine the handing of your casement window unit is from the INTERIOR (inside) of the home. If you have multiple windows, stand in front of each window in question and locate the locks. The lock location will determine the handing of the unit.

    All casement hardware, which includes locks, operators and hinges, are handed based on the lock location when viewed from the interior.

    Alternatively, handing can also be determined by the hinge side when viewed from the EXTERIOR.

    Examine the product image carefully when ordering. You should be able to see the difference between the left and right-hand side version.